
Two days ago, I tragically stabbed myself with a fork. It was an accident. I was fishing a fork out of the dishwasher, when it slipped out of my hand. I tried to lightning-reaction catch it, and did so. Only problem? A tine in the thumb. It’s on the lower part of the thumb, between the pad and the heel of my hand, so at least it doesn’t get banged into things. It does, however, hurt. A lot. Most of the time. I’m pretty sure that there’s tissue bruising that happened, though fortunately it’s avoided appearing swollen or red or oozy, so it doesn’t seem to be infected. Also, I haven’t gotten lockjaw yet, so I’m hoping that I won’t get it [at least not from this injury]. It bled quite wonderfully; right through one “plaster” [that’s what they call bandages here, the goobers] and then another. I got some cool pictures and will post them once my camera gets all charged-up.

Also, I presented a project to one of my classes. It is my smallest class [six students and one professor]. I related my own journey through self-injury, and more generally, depression, to the article “Helping” by Marianne Gronemeyer, which I recommend that you read, if you can get your hands on it. Very interesting article, and I liked the piece that I made for it. So did my class. So did the woman at the photolab. Score. I’ll post pictures of that up eventually maybe, too.

In other news, Amanda Fucking Palmer is in just over 24 hours. In just under 23 hours, I will be standing outside of Koko, hopefully with Becca O., waiting to be let in to see the show. I cannot communicate in any way/shape/form [other than screaming my head off] how excited I am.

An Observation.

Lots of our discussion in our Commodities and International Conflicts class over the past week or so has centred on medical uses for drugs, and the abuse of prescription drugs. At some point the professor made a point of going over the fact that “mature capitalism” and our society as it is today contributes a lot to the rise of mental health issues. I am not disputing this fact; technology brings destructive power and the power to disseminate knowledge of that destructive power. What frustrates me about what he said was more how he said it; there was an almost-dismissive tone in his voice, as if to echo what people with anxiety and depression issues should just “get over it”.

Believe me: if I could, I would. [The next paragraph could potentially be triggering [SI], so it gets a cut. Ha ha pun.]

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